Hi JO,
The error remains.
This changes for the templates
Header Template - is same, for one INVOICE document
Detail Template- There are two items for Invoice Key 1
ParentKey LineNum ItemCode Quantity
Llave N° Línea Código Artículo Cantidad
1 0 Dig-0001 50
1 1 Dig-0002 50
Batch Number Template - There are 4 batch, two batch for each Items
ParentKey LineNum BaseLineNumber BatchNumber Quantity
Llave-Detalle Línea Interna Detalle_Linenum N°Lote Cantidad
1 0 0 1234 25
1 0 1 5698 25
1 1 0 9999 25
1 1 1 8888 25
SAP Business One 9.0 PL9 HotFix 1.