Here is the output
sapcontrol -nr 61 -function Stop
13.07.2014 05:36:09
sgmw-s-tstse1:se1adm 66> cleanipc 61 remove
Show/Cleanup SAP-IPC-Objects V2.3, 94/01/20
Running SAP-Systems (Nr)...:
---- Clear IPC-Objects of Sap-System 61 ------------------
OsKey: 58900161 0x0382bec1 SCSA Shared Memory Key: 58900000 removed
Number of IPC-Objects...........: 1
Number of removed IPC-Objects...: 1
Summary of all Shared Memory....: 1983.1 MB (may be incomplete when not in superuser mode)
Number of SAP_ES files found:.............: 0
Number of SAP_ES files removed:...........: 0
sapcontrol -nr 61 -function Start
13.07.2014 05:32:37
dev_ wo logs
trc file: "dev_w0", trc level: 1, release: "721"
M sysno 59
M sid SE1
M systemid 390 (AMD/Intel x86_64 with Linux)
M relno 7210
M patchlevel 0
M patchno 201
M intno 20020600
M make single threaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized
M profile /usr/sap/SE1/SYS/profile/SE1_DVEBMGS59_sgmw-s-tstse1
M pid 9500
M Sun Jul 13 01:53:34 2014
M kernel runs with dp version 138000(ext=120000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-138000-UC)
M length of sys_adm_ext is 592 bytes
M ThStart: taskhandler started
M ThTHPInit: thp initialized
M ThInit: initializing DIA work process W0
M ***LOG Q01=> ThInit, WPStart (Workp. 0 1 9500) [thxxhead.c 1346]
M Sun Jul 13 01:53:38 2014
M ThInit: running on host sgmw-s-tstse1
M calling db_connect ...
B Loading DB library '/usr/sap/SE1/DVEBMGS59/exe/dbsdbslib.so' ...
B Library '/usr/sap/SE1/DVEBMGS59/exe/dbsdbslib.so' loaded
B Version of '/usr/sap/SE1/DVEBMGS59/exe/dbsdbslib.so' is "721.02", patchlevel (0.131)
C DBSDBSLIB : version 721.02, patch 0.131 (Make PL 0.201)
C MAXDB shared library (dbsdbslib) patchlevels (last 10)
C (0.131) INT1 swap problem fixed (note 1881003)
C (0.128) R3szchk: DDIC indexname is different to DB indexname (note 1884522)
C (0.126) INT1 output parameter overflow (note 1881003)
C (0.122) Read LRAW into XSTRING (note 1866561)
C (0.120) Getdbobjsize with not existing tables (note 1861680)
C (0.119) ADBC bulk insert doesn't stop at first duplicate record (note 1860608)
C (0.116) File system counter access for R3szchk optimized (note 1606260)
C (0.033) Signal 11 after out of memory (note 1781592)
C (0.033) SQL stmt length check disabled (note 1782135)
C (0.026) Set record count for ADBC bulk insert (note 1761697)
C Loading SQLDBC client runtime ...
C SQLDBC Module : /sapdb/clients/SE1/lib/libSQLDBC77.so
C SQLDBC SDK : SQLDBC.H 7.8.2 BUILD 017-121-241-257
C SQLDBC Runtime : libSQLDBC 7.9.7 BUILD 010-123-243-190
C SQLDBC client runtime is MaxDB CL 243190
C SQLDBC supports new DECIMAL interface : 1
C SQLDBC supports VARIABLE INPUT data : 1
C SQLDBC supports VARIABLE OUTPUT data : 1
C SQLDBC supports Multiple Streams : 1
C SQLDBC supports BULK SELECT with LOBS : 1
C INFO : SQLOPT= -I 0 -t 0 -S SAPR3
C Try to connect (DEFAULT) on connection 0 ...
C Attach to SAP DB : Kernel 7.9.08 Build 022-123-250-438
C Database release is SAP DB
C INFO : Database 'SE1' instance is running on 'sgmw-s-tstse1'
C DB supports UPSERT SQL syntax : 1
C DB supports new EXPAND syntax : 1
C DB supports LOB locators : 1
C DB uses MVCC support : 0
C DB max. input host variables : 2000
C DB max. statement length : 65535
C UPSERT is disabled for : WBCROSSGT
C INFO : SAP DB Packet_Size = 131072
C INFO : SAP DB Min_Reply_Size = 4096
C INFO : SAP DB Comm_Size = 126976
C INFO : DBSL buffer size = 126976
C INFO : SAP DB MaxLocks = 800000
C INFO : Connect to DB as 'SAPSE1'
C Command info enabled
C Now I'm connected to MaxDB
C 00: sgmw-s-tstse1-SE1, since=20140713015338, ABAP= <unknown> (0)
B Connection 0 opened (DBSL handle 0)
M ThInit: db_connect o.k.
M ICT: exclude compression: *.zip,*.rar,*.arj,*.z,*.gz,*.tar,*.lzh,*.cab,*.hqx,*.ace,*.jar,*.ear,*.war,*.css,*.pdf,*.gzip,*.uue,*.bz2,*.iso,*.sda,*.sar,*.gif,*.png,*.swc,*.swf
I Sun Jul 13 01:54:44 2014
I MtxInit: 0 0 0
M SHM_PRES_BUF (addr: 7f7b725eb000, size: 4400000)
M SHM_ROLL_AREA (addr: 7f7a56037000, size: 268435456)
M SHM_PAGING_AREA (addr: 7f7a46037000, size: 268435456)
M SHM_ROLL_ADM (addr: 7f7b72a1f000, size: 11142696)
M SHM_PAGING_ADM (addr: 7f7a45d16000, size: 3277856)
M ThCreateNoBuffer allocated 564152 bytes for 1000 entries at 7f7a28d9b000
M ThCreateNoBuffer index size: 3000 elems
M ThCreateVBAdm allocated 31072 bytes (50 server) at 7f7b83e47000
X EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
X MM global diagnostic options set: 0
X <ES> client 0 initializing ....
X Using implementation std
X Linux: Kernel supports shared memory disclaiming
X Linux: using madvise(<pointer>, <size>, 9).
X Linux: disclaiming for shared memory enabled
X ES initialized.
X mm.dump: set maximum dump mem to 192 MB
X mm.dump: set global maximum dump mem to 192 MB
X EsRegisterEmCheck: Register EmGetEsHandles at 1cb3f0c
I *** INFO SHM 44 in POOL 40 47240 KB estimated 36250 KB real ( -10990 KB -24 %)
I *** INFO SHM 45 in POOL 40 32240 KB estimated 21250 KB real ( -10990 KB -35 %)
B db_con_shm_ini: WP_ID = 0, WP_CNT = 19, CON_ID = -1
B dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABL (addr: 7f7a23955100, size: 30000000, end: 7f7a255f1480)
B dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABLP (addr: 7f7a22f91100, size: 10240000, end: 7f7a23955100)
B dbsync[db_syinit]: successfully attached to shared memory, sync_adm_p = 7f7a40b5b000
B dbsync[db_syinit]: Buffer synchronisation started with
B sync_concept = SEQ_NR
B sendon = 1
B bufreftime = 120
B max_gap_wait_time = 60
B ddlog_del_time = 60
B last_counter = -2146808024
B oldest_gap = (2147483647,00000000000000)
B time_of_last_sync = 20140713015439
B MySysId = 'sgmw-s-tstse1 59'
B dbexpbuf[EXP_SHB]: buffer EIBUF installed with
B semkey = 35
B shmkey = 54
B wp_n = 19
B sclass = 0
B block_length = 512
B max_objects = 2000
B max_obj_size = 1880512
B pref_obj_size = 0
B est_large_obj_size = 512000
B free_vec_lg = 1001
B hash_vec_size = 4001
B buffer_l = 8388608
B max_blocks = 14693
B free_blocks = 14693
B mutex_n = 4001
B max_mtx_wait_time = 17000
B recovery_delay = 500000
B tracing = 0
B force_checks = 0
B protect_shm = 0
B dbexpbuf[EXP_SHM]: buffer ESM installed with
B semkey = 56
B shmkey = 65
B wp_n = 19
B sclass = 0
B block_length = 512
B max_objects = 2000
B max_obj_size = 835904
B pref_obj_size = 0
B est_large_obj_size = 8192
B free_vec_lg = 17
B hash_vec_size = 4001
B buffer_l = 4194304
B max_blocks = 6532
B free_blocks = 6532
B mutex_n = 4001
B max_mtx_wait_time = 17000
B recovery_delay = 500000
B tracing = 0
B force_checks = 0
B protect_shm = 0
B dbexpbuf[EXP_CUA]: buffer CUA installed with
B semkey = 30
B shmkey = 47
B wp_n = 19
B sclass = 10
B block_length = 512
B max_objects = 1500
B max_obj_size = 607552
B pref_obj_size = 0
B est_large_obj_size = 98304
B free_vec_lg = 193
B hash_vec_size = 3001
B buffer_l = 3072000
B max_blocks = 4748
B free_blocks = 4748
B mutex_n = 3001
B max_mtx_wait_time = 17000
B recovery_delay = 500000
B tracing = 0
B force_checks = 0
B protect_shm = 0
B dbexpbuf[EXP_OTR]: buffer OTR installed with
B semkey = 55
B shmkey = 64
B wp_n = 19
B sclass = 13
B block_length = 256
B max_objects = 2000
B max_obj_size = 835648
B pref_obj_size = 0
B est_large_obj_size = 20480
B free_vec_lg = 81
B hash_vec_size = 4001
B buffer_l = 4194304
B max_blocks = 13060
B free_blocks = 13060
B mutex_n = 4001
B max_mtx_wait_time = 17000
B recovery_delay = 500000
B tracing = 0
B force_checks = 0
B protect_shm = 0
I MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.
I MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=1279 reserved=383 quota=10%
M Semaphore recovery: keep semaphore data.
M logoff_check: no check.
M CCMS: SemInMgt: Semaphore Management initialized by AlAttachShm_Doublestack.
M CCMS: SemInit: Semaphore 38 initialized by AlAttachShm_Doublestack.
G Sun Jul 13 01:54:46 2014
G RelWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 120, pEnforce = 0 )
G GetWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 99, pEnforce = 1 )
G RelWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 100, pEnforce = 1 )
S *** init spool environment
S TSPEVJOB updates outside critical section: event_update_nocsec = 1
S initialize debug system
T Stack direction is downwards.
T debug control: prepare exclude for printer trace
T new memory block 68e9920
S spool kernel/ddic check: Ok
S using table TSP02FX for frontend printing
S 1 spool work process(es) found
S frontend print via spool service enabled
S printer list size is 150
S printer type list size is 50
S queue size (profile) = 300
S hostspool list size = 3000
S option list size is 30
I *** INFO SHM 49 in POOL 40 2898 KB estimated 1632 KB real ( -1266 KB -44 %)
S found processing queue enabled
S found spool memory service RSPO-RCLOCKS at 7f7a40e4c070
S doing lock recovery
S setting server cache root
S found spool memory service RSPO-SERVERCACHE at 7f7a40e4c750
S using messages for server info
S size of spec char cache entry: 297032 bytes (timeout 100 sec)
S size of open spool request entry: 2512 bytes
S immediate print option for implicitely closed spool requests is disabled
A Sun Jul 13 01:54:50 2014
A ***GENER* Trace switched on ***
A ---PXA-------------------------------------------
A Sun Jul 13 01:54:51 2014
A PXA: Locked PXA-Semaphore.
A PXA: max_map_count = 1000000: ok
A System page size: 4kb, total admin_size: 30208kb, dir_size: 29416kb.
A Attached to PXA (address 7f7a05cc0000, size 400000K, 1 fragments of 369792K )
A PXA allocated (address 7f7a05cc0000, size 400000K)
A abap/pxa = shared protect gen_remote
A PXA: checking structure sizes: 760|272|8
A ---PXA-------------------------------------------
A ATRA: pfclock execution time = 0
A abap/force_local_update_task=0
A ABAP ShmAdm attached (addr=7f7a6c64f000 leng=20955136 end=7f7a6da4b000)
A >> Shm MMADM area (addr=7f7a6cb51b78 leng=241472 end=7f7a6cb8cab8)
A >> Shm MMDAT area (addr=7f7a6cb8d000 leng=15454208 end=7f7a6da4a000)
A RFC Destination> destination sgmw-s-tstse1_SE1_59 host sgmw-s-tstse1 system SE1 systnr 59 (sgmw-s-tstse1_SE1_59)
A RFC Options> H=sgmw-s-tstse1,S=59,d=2,
A RFC FRFC> fallback activ but this is not a central instance.
A RFC rfc/signon_error_log = -1
A RFC rfc/dump_connection_info = 0
A RFC rfc/dump_client_info = 0
A RFC rfc/cp_convert/ignore_error = 1
A RFC rfc/cp_convert/conversion_char = 23
A RFC rfc/wan_compress/threshold = 251
A RFC rfc/recorder_pcs not set, use defaule value: 2
A RFC rfc/delta_trc_level not set, use default value: 0
A RFC rfc/no_uuid_check not set, use default value: 0
H HTTP> Parameter icf/ssocookie_mandatory set to 0
B dbtran INFO (init_connection '<DEFAULT>' [ADABAS D:721.02]):
B max_blocking_factor = 10, min_blocking_factor = 10,
B max_in_blocking_factor = 127, min_in_blocking_factor = 127,
B max_union_blocking_factor = 10, min_union_blocking_factor = 10,
B prefer_union_all = 1, prefer_join = 0,
B prefer_fix_blocking = 0, prefer_in_itab_opt = 1,
B convert AVG = 0, alias table FUPD = 0,
B escape_as_literal = 0, ignore_maxmarkercnt = 0,
B select * =0x0f, character encoding = STD / <none>:-,
B use_hints = abap->1, dbif->0x1, upto->18446744073709551615
M ThrCreateShObjects allocated 39514 bytes at 7f7b83e3d000
Y dyWpInit
Y ztta/dynpro_ara 800000
Y ztta/cua_ara 500000
Y ztta/diag_ara 250000
N Sun Jul 13 01:54:52 2014
N SsfSapSecin: getenv(SECUDIR)=="/usr/sap/SE1/DVEBMGS59/sec"
N =================================================
N ===...SSF Security Toolkit name SAPSECULIB .
N ===...SSF library is /usr/sap/SE1/DVEBMGS59/exe/libsapcrypto.so .
N ===...SSF default hash algorithm is SHA1 .
N ===...SSF default symmetric encryption algorithm is DES-CBC .
N ===...SECUDIR="/usr/sap/SE1/DVEBMGS59/sec"
N ===...loading of Security Toolkit successfully completed.
N === CommonCryptoLib (SAPCRYPTOLIB) Version 8.4.12 pl40 (Nov 26 2013) MT-safe
N =================================================
N MskiInitLogonTicketCacheHandle: Logon Ticket cache pointer retrieved from shared memory.
N MskiInitLogonTicketCacheHandle: Workprocess runs with Logon Ticket cache.
M JrfcVmcRegisterNativesDriver o.k.
W =================================================
W === ipl_Init() called
W ITS Plugin: Path dw_gui
W ITS Plugin: Description ITS Plugin - ITS rendering DLL
W ITS Plugin: sizeof(SAP_UC) 2
W ITS Plugin: Release: 721, [7210.0.201.20020600]
W ITS Plugin: Int.version, [34]
W ITS Plugin: Feature set: [31]
W ===... Calling itsp_Init in external dll ===>
W === ipl_Init() returns 0, ITSPE_OK: OK
W =================================================
N SignInit: successfully obtained handle for Security Context cache
N SPNegoInit: SPNego disabled ("spnego/enable" not set to 1)
N VSI: WP init in ABAP VM completed with rc=0
E Sun Jul 13 01:54:55 2014
E EnqLockTableSizeCalculate: session quota = 100%
E EnqLockTableAttach2: attach to lock table (size = 33554432)
E EnqLockTableMapToLocalContext: enque/use_pfclock2 = FALSE
E Sun Jul 13 01:54:56 2014
E EnqId_Initialize: local EnqId initialization o.k.
A Sun Jul 13 01:55:04 2014
A UpdateProfile (new settings): off,krn_impl,(no dyn check),(no logging),(no stat err),(local generation),(no commit)
A UpdateProfile (new exceptions): (tmp_err),(home_err),(local_err)
A UpdateProfile (new version): 0
A ***GENER* Trace switched off ***
B dbrda: Redirect database access is disabled via rsdb/rda profile parameter setting.
E Enqueue Info: enque/use_pfclock2 = FALSE
E Enqueue Info: row condense enabled
M Sun Jul 13 01:55:05 2014
M extStatHook: This process does not report performance statistics
M Sun Jul 13 01:56:37 2014
M DpReadMinJvm: rdisp/min_jvm (REM): 0 -> 1
M DpReadMinJvm: rdisp/min_jvm (AUTOJAVA): 0 -> 1
M DpReadMinJvm: rdisp/min_jvm (TEMPLATE): 0 -> 1
M Sun Jul 13 01:56:39 2014
M SecAudit(rsauinit): WP attached to existing shared memory.
M SecAudit(RsauShmInit): addr of SHM for Audit.. = 7f7b83eb3000
M SecAudit(RsauShmInit): addr of RSAUSHM........ = 7f7b83eb4000
M SecAudit(RsauShmInit): addr of RSAUSLOTINFO... = 7f7b83eb4610
M SecAudit(RsauShmInit): addr of RSAUSLOTS...... = 7f7b83eb4620
C Sun Jul 13 01:56:47 2014
C INFO : SQLOPT= -I 0 -t 0 -S SAPR3
C Try to connect (SERVICE) on connection 1 ...
C Attach to SAP DB : Kernel 7.9.08 Build 022-123-250-438
C Database release is SAP DB
C INFO : Database 'SE1' instance is running on 'sgmw-s-tstse1'
C DB supports UPSERT SQL syntax : 1
C DB supports new EXPAND syntax : 1
C DB supports LOB locators : 1
C DB uses MVCC support : 0
C DB max. input host variables : 2000
C DB max. statement length : 65535
C UPSERT is disabled for : WBCROSSGT
C INFO : Connect to DB as 'SAPSE1'
C Command info enabled
C Now I'm connected to MaxDB
C 00: sgmw-s-tstse1-SE1, since=20140713015338, ABAP= <unknown> (0)
C 01: sgmw-s-tstse1-SE1, since=20140713015647, ABAP= CL_SRT_WSP_NUM_RANGE==========CP (1430)
B Connection 1 opened (DBSL handle 1)
S Sun Jul 13 01:56:53 2014
S found spool memory service RSPO-ACTIONS at 7f7a40e56498
C Sun Jul 13 02:13:53 2014
C Disconnecting from connection 1 ...
C Now I'm disconnected from MaxDB
C 00: sgmw-s-tstse1-SE1, since=20140713015338, ABAP= <unknown> (0)
B Disconnected from connection 1, con_da={R/3*SRT,1}
trc file: "dev_disp.new", trc level: 1, release: "721"
sysno 59
sid SE1
systemid 390 (AMD/Intel x86_64 with Linux)
relno 7210
patchlevel 0
patchno 201
intno 20020600
make single threaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized
profile /usr/sap/SE1/SYS/profile/SE1_DVEBMGS59_sgmw-s-tstse1
pid 9448
kernel runs with dp version 138000(ext=120000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-138000-UC)
length of sys_adm_ext is 592 bytes
*** SWITCH TRC-HIDE on ***
***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (59 9448) [dpxxdisp.c 1316]
shared lib "dw_xml.so" version 201 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_xtc.so" version 201 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_stl.so" version 201 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_gui.so" version 201 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_mdm.so" version 201 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_rndrt.so" version 201 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_abp.so" version 201 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_sym.so" version 201 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_aci.so" version 201 successfully loaded
rdisp/softcancel_sequence : -> 0,5,-1
use internal message server connection to port 3959
rdisp/dynamic_wp_check : 1
rdisp/calculateLoadAverage : 1
Sun Jul 13 01:53:33 2014
MtxInit: 30000 0 0
DpSysAdmExtInit: ABAP is active
DpSysAdmExtInit: VMC (JAVA VM in WP) is not active
display_tcp_ip: 0
DpIPCInit2: write dp-profile-values into sys_adm_ext
DpIPCInit2: start server >sgmw-s-tstse1_SE1_59 <
DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm) 42864 (2256)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm) 5581368 (27768)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_ca_adm) 80000 (80)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(appc_ca_adm) 80000 (80)
DpCommTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=500/8/1376056/1376064
DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm) 1376064 (2744)
DpSlockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/fiSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0/0
DpShMCreate: sizeof(slock_adm) 0 (296)
DpFileTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0
DpShMCreate: sizeof(file_adm) 0 (80)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm) 0 (2304)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm) (40056/42872/80/192)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(gw_adm) 48
DpShMCreate: sizeof(j2ee_adm) 3952
DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY (addr: 7f7b71e58000, size: 7261304)
DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 7f7b71e58008
DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm_list at 7f7b71e5b168
DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 7f7b71e5b350
DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 7f7b71e65ac8
DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 7f7b71e65b10
DpShMCreate: allocated wp_ca_adm at 7f7b723b8550
DpShMCreate: allocated appc_ca_adm at 7f7b723cbdd8
DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 7f7b723df660
DpShMCreate: system runs without slock table
DpShMCreate: system runs without file table
DpShMCreate: allocated vmc_adm_list at 7f7b7252f5a8
DpShMCreate: system runs without vmc_adm
DpShMCreate: allocated gw_adm at 7f7b7252f650
DpShMCreate: allocated j2ee_adm at 7f7b7252f688
DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 7f7b72530600
DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm at 7f7b725306a0
DpCommAttachTable: attached comm table (header=7f7b723df660/ft=7f7b723df668)
DpSysAdmIntInit: initialize sys_adm
rdisp/test_roll : roll strategy is DP_NORMAL_ROLL
dia token check not active (10 token)
MBUF state OFF
DpCommInitTable: init table for 500 entries
DpRqQInit: keep protect_queue / slots_per_queue 0 / 2001 in sys_adm
rdisp/queue_size_check_value : -> on,50,30,40,500,50,500,80
EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
MM global diagnostic options set: 0
<ES> client 0 initializing ....
<ES> EsILock: use spinlock for locking
<ES> InitFreeList
<ES> block size is 4096 kByte.
Using implementation std
EsStdUnamFileMapInit: ES Segment = 0x7f7a6bcaa000 - 0x7f7b6bcaa000
EsStdInit: Extended Memory 4096 MB allocated
Linux: Kernel supports shared memory disclaiming
Linux: using madvise(<pointer>, <size>, 9).
Linux: disclaiming for shared memory enabled
<ES> 1023 blocks reserved for free list.
ES initialized.
mm.dump: set maximum dump mem to 192 MB
mm.dump: set global maximum dump mem to 192 MB
EsRegisterEmCheck: Register EmGetEsHandles at 1cb3f0c
DpVmcSetActive: set vmc state DP_VMC_NOT_ACTIVE
MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.
MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=1279 reserved=383 quota=10%
rdisp/http_min_wait_dia_wp : 1 -> 1
***LOG CPS=> DpLoopInit, ICU ( 3.4 3.4 4.1) [dpxxdisp.c 1702]
***LOG Q0K=> DpMsAttach, mscon ( sgmw-s-tstse1) [dpxxdisp.c 12707]
DpStartStopMsg: send start message (myname is >sgmw-s-tstse1_SE1_59 <)
DpStartStopMsg: start msg sent
**START Linux Memory Parameter Check
virtual memory: hard-limit = UNLIMITED
virtual memory: soft-limit = UNLIMITED
core size: hard-limit = UNLIMITED
core size: soft-limit = 0 MB
data segment size: hard-limit = UNLIMITED
data segment size: soft-limit = UNLIMITED
stack size: hard-limit = UNLIMITED
stack size: soft-limit = 8 MB
max open files: hard-limit = 32800
max open files: soft-limit = 32800
Page Size: 4 KB
kernel.shmmax = 29696 MB
kernel.shmall = 117440512 MB
**END Linux Memory Parameter Check
Sun Jul 13 01:53:36 2014
CCMS: Initialized monitoring segment of size 60000000.
CCMS: Initialized CCMS Headers in the shared monitoring segment.
CCMS: Checking Downtime Configuration of Monitoring Segment.
CCMS: AlMsUpload called by wp 1024.
Sun Jul 13 01:53:39 2014
CCMS: AlMsUpload successful for /usr/sap/SE1/DVEBMGS59/log/ALMTTREE (5109 MTEs).
Sun Jul 13 01:53:40 2014
CCMS: start to initalize 3.X shared alert area (first segment).
DpMBufHwIdSet: set Hardware-ID
***LOG Q1C=> DpMBufHwIdSet [dpxxmbuf.c 1296]
DpWpBlksLow: max wp blocks in queue is 800 (80 %)
MBUF component UP
DpMsgProcess: 1 server in MBUF
DpAppcBlksLow: max appc blocks in queue is 500 (50 %)
Sun Jul 13 01:54:53 2014
DpModState: change server state from STARTING to ACTIVE
Sun Jul 13 01:56:37 2014
DpWpConf: requested operation mode switch:
DIA 10->9 BTC 3->4 UPD 1->1 UP2 1->1 ENQ 1->1 SPO 1->1 RESTR 0->0 DYN 2->2
***LOG Q0V=> DpWpConf, mod_req (006DIABTC) [dpxxdisp.c 15690]
DpAdaptWppriv_max_no : 5 -> 4
DpWpConf: operation mode switch completed
Sun Jul 13 01:56:40 2014
*** ERROR => DpMsgProcess: MsReceive () -> MSEPARTNERUNKNOWN, partner: - [dpxxdisp.c 2594]
Sun Jul 13 01:56:51 2014
*** ERROR => DpMsgProcess: MsReceive () -> MSEPARTNERUNKNOWN, partner: - [dpxxdisp.c 2594]
Sun Jul 13 02:20:52 2014
DpHdlDeadWp: W12 (pid=9512) terminated automatically
Sun Jul 13 04:00:54 2014
DpWpConf: requested operation mode switch:
DIA 9->10 BTC 4->3 UPD 1->1 UP2 1->1 ENQ 1->1 SPO 1->1 RESTR 0->0 DYN 2->2
***LOG Q0V=> DpWpConf, mod_req (013BTCDIA) [dpxxdisp.c 15690]
DpAdaptWppriv_max_no : 4 -> 5
DpWpConf: operation mode switch completed
Sun Jul 13 05:29:14 2014
*** ERROR => DpCheckTerminals: NiCheck2(rc=-23) failed for tid: 19 (60secs)-> disconnecting [dpxxdisp.c 13293]
RM-T19, U1605, 800 SRIVB, NOTEBOOK21, 05:08:07, M0, W7, , 2/0
Sun Jul 13 05:29:54 2014
*** ERROR => DpCheckTerminals: NiCheck2(rc=-23) failed for tid: 25 (60secs)-> disconnecting [dpxxdisp.c 13293]
RM-T25, U1607, 000 DDIC, NOTEBOOK21, 05:08:35, M0, W7, , 2/0