Dear Experts Teams.
I have question about the SNC connection settings SAPRouter to SAPRouter previously.
Run this procedure was the SNC set to SAPRouter to SAPRouter, but an error has occurred.
*** ERROR => SncPAcquireCred()==SNCERR_GSSAPI [sncxxall.c 1459]
GSS-API(maj): No credentials were supplied
GSS-API(min): No credentials found for this name (not logged on) (USER=<User Name>)
Could't acquire INITIATING credentials for
<<- SncSessionInitiatorAK()==SNCERR_GSSAPI
'target_acl_key' (addr=000000000203C374, len=111) full hexdump
0x00000 00030401 00080606 2b240301 25010000 ........ +$..%...
0x00010 005d305b 310b3009 06035504 06130244 .]0[1.0. ..U....D
0x00020 45310c30 0a060355 040a1303 53415031 E1.0...U ....SAP1
0x00030 12301006 0355040b 13095341 50726f75 .0...U.. ..SAProu
0x00040 74657231 13301106 0355040b 130a3030 ter1.0.. .U....00
0x00050 30303635 37393834 31153013 06035504 00657984 1.0...U.
0x00060 03130c53 4e433230 30363130 2d3036 ...SNC20 0610-06
*** ERROR => NiSncIInitHdlSecurity: SncSessionInitiatorAK failed (sncrc=-4;00000000029D3360) [nisnc.c 1185]
*** ERROR => NiSncHandleForAddr C11/-1, <SAProuterA IP> (rc=-17) [nirout.cpp 3321]
*** ERROR => NiRClientHandle: NiRExRouteCon for C11/-1 '<SAPRouterB FQDN>' failed (rc=-17) [nirout.cpp 2690]
Please Help.