Also while running SAP Export prepearation using SWPM, we are getting below error -
ERROR: dbdd_get_size() for index EIKP~0 failed
error message returned:
SQL30081N A communication error has been detected. Communication protocol being used: "TCP/IP". Communication API being used: "SOCKETS". Location where the error was detected: "". Communication function detecting the error: "recv". Protocol specific error code(s): "*", "*", "0". SQLSTATE=08001
We have already upgraded the kernel to 720-600 and dbsl library 526.
and in db2dart we are getting below error -
Table inspection start: SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS
Data inspection phase start. Data obj: 6 In pool: 0
Data inspection phase end.
Index inspection phase start. Index obj: 6 In pool: 0
Error: Unable to read pool page 30342, object page 930, from pool 0,
Error: parent pool 0, object ID 6, object type Index.
Error: extent map anchor page of object is 586.
Error: This phase encountered an error and did not complete.
Index inspection phase end.
Table inspection end
Table inspection start: SAPSSD.DOKCLU
Data inspection phase start. Data obj: 60 In pool: 36
Error: Unable to read pool page 862261, object page 41419, from pool 36,
Error: parent pool 36, object ID 60, object type Data.
Error: extent map anchor page of object is 643064.
Error: This object page does not exist.
Error: reading page: 41419 from object: 60
Data inspection phase end.
Table inspection start: SAPSSD.REPOSRC
Data inspection phase start. Data obj: 209 In pool: 36
Error: Unable to read pool page 1366997, object page 6845, from pool 36,
Error: parent pool 36, object ID 209, object type Data.
Error: extent map anchor page of object is 1311000.
Error: This object page does not exist.
Error: reading page: 6845 from object: 209
Data inspection phase end.
For all table objects in tablespace: 37
INX extent anchor: 306886, in pool: 37
Traversing extent map for object type: 1
Extent Map traversal complete.
Traversing extent map for:
OTR ID: 346
Parent object ID = 346 pool ID = 36
For all table objects in tablespace: 37
INX extent anchor: 306980, in pool: 37
Traversing extent map for object type: 1
Extent Map traversal complete.
Traversing extent map for:
OTR ID: 347
Parent object ID = 347 pool ID = 36
For all table objects in tablespace: 37
INX extent anchor: 306986, in pool: 37
Traversing extent map for object type: 1
Extent Map traversal complete.
Traversing extent map for:
OTR ID: 348
Parent object ID = 348 pool ID = 36
For all table objects in tablespace: 37
INX extent anchor: 307150, in pool: 37
Traversing extent map for object type: 1
Extent Map traversal complete.
Traversing extent map for:
OTR ID: 349
Parent object ID = 349 pool ID = 36
For all table objects in tablespace: 37
INX extent anchor: 307164, in pool: 37
Traversing extent map for object type: 1
Extent Map traversal complete.
Traversing extent map for:
OTR ID: 350
Parent object ID = 350 pool ID = 36
For all table objects in tablespace: 37
INX extent anchor: 307630, in pool: 37
Traversing extent map for object type: 1
Extent Map traversal complete.
Traversing extent map for:
OTR ID: 351
Parent object ID = 351 pool ID = 36
For all table objects in tablespace: 37
INX extent anchor: 310626, in pool: 37
Traversing extent map for object type: 1
Extent Map traversal complete.
Checking for orphaned extents:
Tablespace-info inspection phase end.
Tablespace inspection phase end.
Database inspection phase end.
DB2DART Processing completed with error!
The inspection phase did not complete!
Complete DB2DART report found in:
_______ D A R T P R O C E S S I N G C O M P L E T E _______
Please suggest